Application and Award Process:
Initial application is at abstract submission. The lead author and presenter must be designated as a student during abstract submission. The abstract submission must indicate application for this award.
The student presenter must be a student member of the IBS and should register for the conference as a student delegate by the early bird registration deadline.
If the paper is accepted for oral presentation in a contributed oral session, the applicant must then submit a final draft of the presentation (PowerPoint or PDF) by the early bird registration deadline date via email: Validation of student status (for example, a letter from a supervisor) will also be required at this time.
Select members from the International Program Committee (IPC) and the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) will judge the presentations. The submitted papers will be pre-screened by the judges, and no more than 12 will be selected as finalists for the competition. At least two judges will attend the oral presentation of each finalist in the competition.
The judging criteria are as follows:
- Originality: to what extent does the work presented add to the existing body of knowledge?
- Purpose: is the purpose clearly stated, and is it importance discussed?
- Methods: are the methods and statistical analyses sound?
- Conclusions: do the conclusions follow from the results presented?
- Presentation: did the presenter speak clearly and effectively? Were the multimedia aids of high quality?
- Answering Questions: How well did the presenter answer questions from the audience?
This information about the award will also be available on the conference website:
Important note: at abstract submission, if eligible, an abstract may be designated to be considered for the Young Statistician Competition, Best Student Oral Paper and Best Poster. It is then entered into the relevant competition after decisions regarding assignment of the abstract are made.